Summary (Ringkasan)
Anna meets her friend Pete in a coffee shop. Pete needs a job. Can Anna help him to find the right job for him?
Anna bertemu temannya Pete di kedai kopi. Pete membutuhkan pekerjaan. Apakah Anna dapat menemukan pekerjaan yang tepat untuk Pete?
Speaking (Berbicara)
In this video, you can practice saying the new words and learn how to ask questions when you do not understand someone clearly.
Di video ini, coba Anda berlatih mengucapkan kata-kata baru dan belajar bagaimana cara bertanya saat Anda tidak mengerti perkataan seseorang dengan jelas.
Pronunciation (Pengucapan)
This video teaches about the shortened form of cannot and the two ways to pronounce can.
Video ini mengajarkan bentuk singkat dari cannot dan dua cara untuk mengucapkan can.
Conversation (Percakapan)
Anna: Hi, there! Washington, D.C. is a great place to work. Many people here work in government and politics. But there are many other jobs. You can work at a hospital; a university. You can work in a coffee shop. Wait a minute, I think I see a friend of mine. Pete? Is that you?
Writing (Menulis)
In this lesson, Anna is helping her friend Pete. He needs to find a new job. How do you try to help your friends? Write to us to tell us about the ways you help your friends. Send us an email or write in the Comments section.
Use the Activity Sheet to practice talking about jobs and skills.
Dalam pelajaran kali ini, Anna membantu temannya Pete. Ia harus mendapatkan pekerjaan baru. Bagaimana Anda membantu teman? Tulis apa saja cara Anda membantu teman. Email kami atau tulis di kolom komentar.
Gunakan Use the Lembar Kerja untuk latihan bicara tentang pekerjaan dan keahlian.
Learning Strategy (Strategi Belajar)
Learning Strategies are the thoughts and actions that help make learning easier or more effective.
The learning strategy for this lesson is identify problems. When we are talking with someone in English it helps to identify problems in understanding and get the information we need to correct the problems.
In the video for this lesson, there are three problems. Here are two of them.
1. Anna identifies one problem. Pete is not talking loud enough. She tells Pete. "Sorry, I can’t hear you." Pete speaks more loudly so she can hear him.
2. Later, Pete does not understand Anna. He asks, "Do you mean drive a race car?" Anna explains that she means to "drive a taxi or drive a bus."
Can you find another time in the video when Anna or Pete identifies a problem? Write to us in the Comments section or send us an email. Teachers, see the Lesson Plan for more details on teaching this strategy.
Strategi belajar adalah gagasan dan tindakan yang akan mempermudah pembelajaran dan membuatnya lebih efektif.
Strategi belajar dalam pelajaran kali ini adalah identify problems atau mengidentifikasi masalah. Ketika kita bicara dengan seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris, kita bisa terbantu dengan mengidentifikasi masalah dalam memahami seseorang dan mendapatkan informasi yang kita butuhkan untuk memperbaiki masalah itu.
Di video pada pelajaran ini, ada tiga masalah. Ini dua di antaranya.
1. Anna mengidentifikasi satu masalah. Ketika Pete berbicara suaranya tidak cukup keras. Ia mengatakan pada Pete. "Sorry, I can’t hear you." Pete lalu bicara lebih keras supaya Anna bisa dengar.
2. Dan ketika Pete tidak bisa memahami Anna, ia bertanya, "Do you mean drive a race car?" Anna menjelaskan kalau yang ia maksud adalah "drive a taxi or drive a bus."
Bisakah Anda menemukan di video ketika Anna atau Pete mengidentifikasi masalah? Tulis di kolom komentar atau email kami. Teachers, see the Lesson Plan for more details on teaching this strategy.
Listening Quiz (Tes Mendengarkan)
Test your understanding by taking the listening quiz. Listen to the short video, then choose the best answer.
Tes pemahamanmu dengan mengerjakan tes ini. Mainkan videonya, lalu pilih jawaban yang paling benar.
New Words (Kata-kata Baru)
Free Materials
Download the VOA Learning English Word Book for a dictionary of the words we use on this website.
Each Let's Learn English lesson has an Activity Sheet for extra practice on your own or in the classroom. In this lesson, you can use it to write the names of jobs and talk about what people do at work.
Unduh VOA Learning English Word Book sebagai kamus kata-kata yang digunakan di situs ini.
Masing-masing pelajaran dalam Let's Learn English, ada Activity Sheet agar Anda bisa belajar sendiri atau di kelas. Di pelajaran kali ini, Anda bisa menggunakannya untuk berlatih menulis nama pekerjaan dan membicarakan apa yang dilakukan seseorang saat bekerja.
For Teachers
See the Lesson Plan for this lesson for ideas and more teaching resources. Send us an email if you have comments on this course or questions.
Grammar focus: Expressing ability; Can & Can't; Contractions
Topics: Occupations and skills; Helping friends
Learning Strategy: Identify Problems
Speaking & Pronunciation Focus: Asking clarification questions; Pronouncing can & can’t
Now it's your turn. Send us an email or write to us in the Comments section below or on our Facebook page to let us know what you think of this lesson.