This is English USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 14, Part 2. ENGLISH USA, Pelajaran Ke 14, Bagian Ke 2.

Dalam pelajaran ini, serombongan siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan mengenai pekerjaan mereka. Mereka bekerja penggal waktu di sebuah taman hiburan. Anda juga akan belajar bagaimana bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan mengenai pekerjaan.


RALPH: Kristi, where do you go to school?

KRISTI: I go to school at St. Mary’s High School.

MARTIN: How old are you?

KRISTI: I’m fifteen years old.

MARTIN: What do you do?

KRISTI: I work at the stable.

CELIA: Oh, I love horses!

KRISTI: Do you work on Monday?

CELIA: No, I don’t work on Monday. I work on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

KRISTI: Come see me on Monday.

RALPH: I like horses too.

KRISTI: When do you work, Don?

DON: I don’t work on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.

KRISTI: I work everyday. Come see me on Wednesday.


MARTIN: What do you do at the stable?

KRISTI: I exercise the horses.

MARTIN: Do you like animals?

KRISTI: No, I don’t.

MARTIN: Do you like horses?

KRISTI: Yes, I only like horses. Come see the horses now!

TOGETHER: Can we? Great idea! Wonderful! Why not? Let’s go.

Setiap siswa akan mengucapkan nama semua hari dalam sepekan, dan setelah itu Anda mengucapkannya.

CELIA: Sunday

ANDA: ……...

RALPH: Monday

ANDA: ………

DON: Tuesday.

ANDA: ………

KRISTI: Wednesday

ANDA: ……….

DON: Thursday.

ANDA: ………..

CELIA: Friday.

ANDA: ………

RALPH: Saturday.

ANDA: ………..


MARTIN: Kristi, you work at the stable now. What did you do last year?

KRISTI: I didn’t work last year.

MARTIN: Ralph, you work in a restaurant now. What did you do last year?

RALPH: I worked in a music store.

MARTIN: When did you work?

RALPH: I only worked on Saturday.

MARTIN: Don, you’re a lifeguard now. Where did you work last year?

DON: I worked at a supermarket.

MARTIN: When did you work?

DON: I only worked on Sunday.

MARTIN: Celia, what did you do last year?

CELIA: I was a salesperson. I worked at the General Store.

MARTIN: When did you work?

CELIA: I worked on Friday and Monday.

Anda kini menyebutkan hari-hari apa Anda bekerja. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan menyebutkan nama satu hari atau lebih.

CELIA: I work on Sunday. When do you work?

ANDA: ……………………………………….

RALPH: I work on Monday. When do you work?

ANDA: ……………………………………….

DON: I work on Tuesday. When do you work?

ANDA: ……………………………………….

KRISTI: I work on Wednesday. When do you work?

ANDA: ………………………………………..

DON: I work on Thursday. When do you work?

ANDA: …………………………………

CELIA: I work on Friday. When do you work?

ANDA: ……………………………….

RALPH: I work on Saturday. When do you work?

ANDA: ………………………………..

Anda baru saja mengikuti ENGLISH USA Suara Amerika, Pelajaran Ke 14, Bagian Ke 2. Ikutilah pelajaran selanjutnya.