This is ENGLISH USA, on VOA. Now, Lesson 39, Part 1. ENGLISH USA SUARA AMERIKA, Pelajaran Ke 39, Bagian Pertama

Dalam pelajaran ini, Anda akan dibimbing memberi gambaran ciri-ciri jasmani orang lain. Martin Learner dan teman-temannya memberi deskripsi orang-orang yang main dan menonton pertandingan football.

Keriuhan orang ramai

MARTIN: Hello, Lee. How are you?

LEE: Fine thanks. How are you?

MARTIN: Fine thanks. You’re early. Who was that young man with you?

LEE: He’s my son.

MARTIN: How old is he? He’s very big.

LEE: He’s fifteen. He wants to play football.

MARTIN: Does he play now?

LEE: Yes, he does. He plays in school. He’s sitting with my brother.

MARTIN: Which man is your brother?

LEE: He has curly brown hair.

MARTIN: Is he on the left?

LEE: Yes, he’s the one.

MARTIN: His hair is black.

LEE: No, it’s dark brown. Here’s Waleed.


MARTIN: Good afternoon, Waleed.

LEE: How are you?

WALEED: Fine thanks. How are you, Lee?

LEE: Fine.

WALEED: How are you, Martin?

MARTIN: I’m OK. Sit here, Waleed.

WALEED: Thanks. Who is that?

LEE: Which one?

WALEED: Do you see that very tall man?

LEE: I see two tall men. Which one?

WALEED: He has light brown hair.

LEE: Does he have very big feet?

WALEED: Yes, he does! He has very big feet.

LEE: Is that the coach?

MARTIN: Yes, it is.

WALEED: Where is the other coach?

LEE: He’s over there. Do you see that man with blond hair?

WALEED: Is he short?

LEE: Yes. He has a black book.

WALEED: Yes, I see. Is your son here?

LEE: Yes, he is. He’s sitting with my brother.

WALEED: Where?

LEE: Over there.

WALEED: What does he look like?

MARTIN: He’s big.

WALEED: How old is he?

LEE: He’s fifteen years old.

MARTIN: He has dark brown hair.

LEE: No, he doesn’t. He has black hair. My brother has dark brown hair.

MARTIN: He has straight black hair.

WALEED: Is it long?

LEE: It’s not very long.

WALEED: What does your brother look like?

MARTIN: He has curly brown hair.

LEE: That’s right.

WALEED: I see them. Your son is very handsome.

LEE: Thanks. e want to play football.

Kita dapat menanyakan deskirpsi seseorang dengan pertanyaan: “What does he look like?” Dengarkanlah kedua contoh berikut:

WALEED: What does he look like?

MARTIN: He’s big.

WALEED: What does your brother look like?

MARTIN: He has curly brown hair.

Jawablah sekarang pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut mengenai anggota keluarga dan teman-teman Anda.

MARTIN: What does your father look like?

ANDA: ……………………………..

MARTIN: What does your friend look like?

ANDA: …………………………….

MARTIN: What does your mother look like?

ANDA: ……………………………..


WALEED: Lee, does your son play football now?

LEE: Yes, he does. He plays in high school.

MARTIN: Does he want to go to college?

LEE: Yes, he does. He wants to play football college football.

WALEED: Lee, who is that woman with your brother?

LEE: I can’t see. What does she look like?

WALEED: She has long blonde hair.

MARTIN: She’s very tall and thin.

LEE: Is she pretty?

WALEED: She’s very pretty.

MARTIN: She’s sitting behind your brother.

LEE: Oh, I see. That’s my sister.

Anda baru saja mengikuti ENGLISH USA SUARA AMERIKA, Pelajaran Ke 39, Bagian Pertama. Jangan lupa mengikuti pelajaran selanjutnya.